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7 ways how artificial intelligence is being used in healthcare | Artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis | Artificial intelligence in medicine

Artificial intelligence in medicine

Artificial intelligence in medicine has been introduced already. A huge implementation of AI in healthcare is done. Medical Imaging, SurgeryEchocardiography etc. are well developed with AI and machine learning algorithm. Treatment of Cancer is the open challenge for artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis.

artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis
Medical Diagnosis and AI


          Chatbots are giving a really good diagnosis in the medical field. Patients can ask the chatbots about the symptoms they are having, according to the symptoms and previous medical records of the patients, chatbots will diagnose about the diseases and prescribe some medicines. By utilizing AI, we can develop such a chatbot such that it can analyze the reports too and give diagnosis according to the reports and the symptoms. Doctors only need to ask about the reports and the chatbot will show all the report and history about the patients and all the analysis of the reports, doctor required. In this way, we can increase the efficiency of a doctor by a handful use of AI.

Hospital Management

          In the field of management, implementation of AI is must nowadays. AI powered by IoT, Can make everything smooth, starting from the admission of the patient to release of the patient. AI and Iot can produce all the data of the patient at the time the patient enters the hospital. AI collects all the data from the big data storage by the connected sources with IoT and performs all the necessary activities. If any patient comes under health-insurance, it sends the data to the server of the health-insurance provider and fetches all the information required and make all the transactions complete without any hassle. According to research, AI reduces 51% of nurses’ workload and nearly a 16% of physician activity. Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool is working with IBM Watson to create a ‘cognitive hospital’, which will include an app to facilitate interactions with patients.   
how ai store medical records
Repetative works and medical records

Uses of Artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis

Medical Imaging

          Medical scans are a good source of information; these data are readily stored and used to train AI. AI performs the analysis of the data and reduces the time and effort required for that. Performance of AI and machine learning algorithm could be increased if we feed more scans as an input. The error rate of the deep learning algorithm will be reduced with the increase of scanned data and feedback from each and every prediction given by the algorithm. AI has shown promising results in detecting conditions such as pneumoniabreast and skin cancers, and eye diseases.

ai in healthcare
Medical Imaging and Storing data for future use


          AI trained robots are used in surgery. In orthopaedic surgery, robots guide the surgeon to help them in real-time. AI assist robot surgery can reduce the time(days) patients admitted in the hospital by 21 %, as a result of fewer complications and errors. Tying knots to close wounds is one of the examples which has already implemented and tested in this field.


           AI performs the analysis of echocardiographic scans to detect patterns of heartbeat and diagnosis of coronary heart diseases.

Screening for neurological conditions

          By using AI and machine learning algorithm, speech can be analyzed to predict psychotic episodes and identify symptoms of neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

Determination of Dose

          AI technology is being applied to the problem of does. Wrong doses are very critical for health and many-times it does un-recoverable damages to our body. Consumption of wrong dose may cause the death of a patient. A mathematical formula developed with the help of AI had correctly determined the correct dose of immunosuppressant drugs to administer to organ patients in California in 2016.   

Human Factor

           Introducing AI does not mean that it will remove the humanity. Instead of removing, it will add more efficiency to it. A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that doctors spend nearly twice as much time doing administrative work (49 %) as they do with their patients (27 %). In other words, doctors are spending more time on paper works, crunching through data, sifting through and updating records, and analyzing scans, than they are speaking to their patients. AI will free up more of their times, they can spend more time on interaction with patients, providing guidance and answering more questions. Health professional can give more time to support patients mentally. In many countries, paper works are more important than treatment and professionals are spending more time in these works and also they are taking time to analyze the reports, in the meantime, the condition of the patient becomes worst. Here AI comes into the picture. AI will collect all the data and provide all the statistics about the patient like blood pressure, heartbeat rate and anxiety by analyzing the hormone level etc. So, doctors are not required to do all the paper works and diagnosis before starting the treatment. Immediate treatment will save lots of life. Doctors will get more exposure to interact with many patients at a time. Interaction with the doctors is essential for the well-being of patients. AI and machine learning algorithm use the full potential of their digital records from the cloud and make an efficient decision to help the doctors. To provide additional context, a review of 25 years of malpractice claims payouts in the U.S. by Johns Hopkins researchers showed that diagnostic error claims had a higher occurrence in outpatient (68.8 %) vs. inpatient (31.2 %) settings. However, those which occurred in an inpatient setting were roughly 11.5 percent more likely to be lethal. Total payouts over the 25 periods amounted to a substantial sum of $38.8 billion.


           As AI is the new era of technology, it should be used for the well-being of the society then what would be the best field than healthcare! So, artificial intelligence in medicine, artificial intelligence in healthcare and artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis is compulsory. In the present age, tech giants like Google, Intel, Microsoft and IBM are investing a large amount to improve medical diagnosis.
  • UK National Health Service uses Google's DeepMind platform to detect certain health   risks through data collected via a mobile app.
  • Intel Capital recently invested in startup Lumiata which uses AI to identify at-risk          patients and develop care options.
  • IDx-DR, founded by Michael Abramoff, is the first and only FDA authorized AI system for the autonomous detection of diabetic retinopathy.
  • Microsoft's Hanover project, in partnership with Oregon Health & Science University's Knight Cancer Institute, analyzes medical research to predict the most effective cancer drug treatment options for patients.
  • Development of IBM's Watson Oncology is in progress at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Cleveland Clinic. 

Artificial Intelligence in medical science
Artificial intelligence in healthcare


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